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The name is Beit Safafa Village a palestinian village and not givat hamatus
המפלצת ,
Gr (guest)
17 years ago:
תקן את המיקום
בית כנסת ,
ma7moud (guest)
17 years ago:
ea klab ea agubana
גבעת משואה,
محمد تهران (guest)
17 years ago:
الله اکبر لااله الا الله سبحان الله الحمدلله
یا ایها المسلمون اتحدوا اتحدوا
برائت المشرکین من بلد المسلمین
حرب حرب یا صهیون جیش محمد قائدون
الموت لامریکا الموت لاسرائیل
אבן השתיה,
Rami Nir (guest)
17 years ago:
צילום (ויקיפדיה) זה הנ"ל, של אבן השתייה, מוכיח כי בשנת -587 לפנה"ס עם חורבן המקדש כדי למנוע את נפילת לוחות הברית בשבי בידי זרים נבנתה אבן זו מאבני כותל המקדש שחרב ואכן ניתן לראות אבני כותל אלה היטב ובברור בצילום זה כי תוכננו והונחו וחוברו להיות כספת אבן מלאכותית בה נקברו לוחות הברית בידי שריה הכהן הגדול האחרון אשר שרת במקדש שלמה המלך בירושלים. ההוראה הנבואית לתכנון ובניית אבן זו הנקראת בימינו אבן השתייה תועדה שנים רבות לפני ייסודה בידי הנביא ישעיה פרק כח פסוק 16 כדלקמן: הִנְנִי יִסַּד בְּצִיּוֹן אָבֶן אֶבֶן בּוֹחַן פִּנַּת יִקְרַת מוּסָד מוּסָּד--הַמַּאֲמִין לֹא יָחִישׁ והנה אבן זו אבן השתייה היא במרכז חיינו לדעת בסבלנות לחכות לעמוד במבחן רגע האמת בו יוצאו לוחות הברית מכספת אבן השתייה
הכותל המערבי,
איש (guest)
17 years ago:
הבתים הנראים בעצם נבנו על הכותל ונשענים על הכול
קרית היובל,
عايدة (guest)
17 years ago:
World / Palestine / Bayt Lahhm / Aydah, 4 km from center (
הר נוף,
17 years ago:
עיר דוד,
ܕܝܡܗ (guest)
17 years ago:
בית ספר סליקסברג,
17 years ago:
سبحان الذي أسرى بعبده ليلا من المسجد الحرام إلى المسجد الأقصى الذي باركنا حوله لنريه من آياتنا إنه هو السميع البصير"
هذه أرضنا وهذه مقدساتنا ومساجدنا طال الزمان او قصر تنازل الخونة او لم يتنازلوا مآلكم الى الذبح يا أحفاد القردة والخنازير
أخزاكم الله يا يهود
קטמון החדשה,
Ori (guest)
17 years ago:
Known as "Katamonim" קטמונים
תחנה מרכזית הישנה,
אייל (guest)
17 years ago:
התחנה המרכזית הזמנית.
התחנה ההמרכזית החדשה נבנתה על מקומה של הישנה, וזו שימשה בתקופת המעבר (כ-3 שנים).
עיר דוד,
Rami Nir (guest)
17 years ago:
The God of Israel He is the only God that exists...
>As King David wrote:
May the LORD cut off all flattering lips, the tongue that speaketh proud things!
Who have said: 'Our tongue will we make mighty; our lips are with us: who is lord over us?'
Psalm 12
For the Leader; on the Sheminith. A Psalm of David.
Help, LORD; for the godly man ceaseth; for the faithful fail from among the children of men.
They speak falsehood every one with his neighbour; with flattering lip, and with a double heart, do they speak.
May the LORD cut off all flattering lips, the tongue that speaketh proud things!
Who have said: 'Our tongue will we make mighty; our lips are with us: who is lord over us?'
'For the oppression of the poor, for the sighing of the needy, now will I arise', saith the LORD; 'I will set him in safety at whom they puff.'
The words of the LORD are pure words, as silver tried in a crucible on the earth, refined seven times.
Thou wilt keep them, O LORD;
Thou wilt preserve us from this generation for ever.
The wicked walk on every side, when vileness is exalted among the sons of men.
מגדל דוד - המצודה,
Rami Nir (guest)
17 years ago:
David a King in Jerusalem & “The Threshing Floor” At the Top of the Mountain:
1064- B.C. David, son of Jess (“Samuel 1” 16- -5) was at the age of 27 when Samuel rushed upon him the “Spirit of God” (“Samuel 1” 16- -13).
A few weeks later David killed Goliath (“Samuel 1” 17- -49-50).
1062- B.C. David at the age of 29 + 6 months (“Samuel 2” 5- -5) a King in Hebron for 6 months.
1061- B.C. David at the age of 30 (“Samuel 2” 5- -4-5) (“Kings 1” 2- -11) a King in Hebron for 7 years.
7 + years
“Halley” **1054- B.C. David at the age of 37 (“Samuel 2” 5- -5) (“Kings 1” 2- -11) a King in Jerusalem for 33 years.
14 + years [Assumed date according to: “I am but a little child” (“Kings 1” 3- -7) and David age].
1040- B.C. (An undocumented date) David at the age of 51 begot Solomon (“Samuel 2” 5- -14).
19 + year
1021- B.C. David: “After a period of 40 years” (“Samuel 2” 15- -7) as a King in Hebron and Jerusalem. At that “Time”: Absalom, son of David, as successor of David conspired a mutiny under Ahithophel’s “Best Advice”. But the “God of Israel” had ordained to defeat Ahithophel’s “Best Advice” (“Samuel 2” 17- -14).
Absalom’s mutiny failed; a few days later, David, at the (“Samuel 2” 15- -7) age of 70, bought “The Threshing Floor” at the “Top of the Mountain” from Araunah the King of Jebusite (“Samuel 2” 24- -24).
In those days, for such a place to be a perfect area for threshing, it would have had to be a flat surface. Logically, one must conclude that the huge, artificial rock that stands “At the Top of the Mountain” in the present days could not have existed then. Also, King Solomon could not have built a “Temple” for the “God of Israel” whose primary law is: (“Zechariah” 4- -6) “But My Spirit”: with such a rock in the midst of its “Holy of Holies”. Especially, the area of the “Holy of Holies” in “Temple I” = 20x20 Cubits (“Kings 1” 6- -20) would not be able to cover the area of this artificial rock, as it is much wider. Hence, it must be concluded that such a rock did not exist at that time. In light of this, the “Capstone” (“Zechariah” 4- -7) “At the Top of the Mountain” is -- this huge artificial rock that was constructed under the orders of the “God of Israel” to be (“Isaiah” 28- -16) “A Touchstone” (nowadays known as “The Foundation stone”) in preparation for the “Judgment Day” (“Malachi “ 3- -17) as fulfillment of a prophecy.
2007 A.C. Spring… of Terror… as a preparation for “The Last War”… (“Ezekiel” 38/39) by “Gog, of the land of Magog”… “The chief prince (in Persia) of Meshech and Tubal”…
And then (“Daniel” 12- -7) when our Lord shall make an end while breaking in to pieces the “Capstone”, the prophecy of “Isaiah” (27- -6) will take place to flourish and make fruitful our world, to put an end onto all resistances of all those elegant or foolish lies that cause all the bloodshed and famine -- and as “It will not be Late” (“Habakkuk” 2- -3) one would have to realize that such a dictated “Point in Time” of (“Isaiah” 66- -22) “A New Creation” will come. So we can wish that “His Spirit” shall break the “Capstone” in to pieces and use it as “A Touchstone” on His “Judgment Day” with the intention to give back the “Covenant Tablets” II to us, for saving “Our Eternity” by “Peace and Truth” (“Jeremiah” 33- -6).
בית הספר התיכון על שם מיי בויאר,
ג'ק פילמר (guest)
17 years ago:
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